Firs of all, please be aware that jaxb-verification is renamed into
jaxbvalidation. jaxb-verification will be left as it is. All changes
will be applied to the jaxbvalidation; might make sense to switch to
that in the future.
> I am using this tool to get the validation details and found very
> useful one. When i try to compile a particular schema, it throws this
> exception... Would be really helpful if somebody could throw any input
> on this...
> When i analyse the schema, the following validation rule causes the
> problem...
> < xs:element name =" NSF_SuggestedReviewers " nillable="true" >
> It doesnt like "nillable=true"
> IT works fine if i remove this.
> The schema which i tired to compile is :
> http://apply.grants.gov/forms/schemas/NSF_SuggestedReviewers-V1.0.xsd
Is this schema public? Can I redistribute it as a test scenario?
I could reproduce the problem. Working on it.