Re: SOAPHandlers and transactions

From: Behrang Saeedzadeh <>
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2011 03:01:41 +1000

Hi Paul,

Thanks for the reply. Even though that it makes sense to implement
this for WS-AtomicTransactions as well, I was talking about the
simpler case of an EJB with CMT exposed as a web service.

In our application it would be great if we could have access to the
transaction synchronization registry inside handlers.

By the way, any ideas why inside WebLogic EJB intrceptors are not
being invoked when a session bean that is exposed as a web service is
consumed by a web service client? Is this a known bug?


On Wednesday, August 24, 2011, <> wrote:
> Hi Behrang,
> Yes, I see your point.  We will need to look into the ordering of the
> tubes (i.e. putting ws-at tube before handlers on the serverside and
> after on the client side) to achieve this.
> Thanks,
> Paul

Behrang Saeedzadeh