MTOM Download in streaming mode

From: <>
Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2011 08:05:28 +0000 (GMT)


  Below I'm giving an example of official documentation how to upload a
file in a Streaming manner, if not done so, the file is loaded in
memory and if the file is large there is of course a risk of going out
of memory. All of this is clear, and I understand how to choose the
Streaming or non Streaming approach.

  So the question I have is if anyone has a link to give me to
documentation (the more official the better) that explains how it works
in download instead. Is this always done in only one manner? If so, is
it always in a Streaming manner? Trial and error gives me the answer
yes, but I want to know for sure, not only because it seems to be so.

In the documentation of JAX-WS I have not been able to find an answer
to this. That would be the perfect place to have a good solid
documentation telling exactly what is happening behind the scenes.



I have found a documentation that tells me (about inbound SOAP, not
outbound as I want)

"Using MTOM and the javax.activation.DataHandler and APIs you can specify that
a Web Service use a streaming API when reading inbound SOAP messages
that include attachments, rather than the default behavior in which the
service reads the entire message into memory. "