Are you using rpc-literal style?
As per Basic Profile [1], 4.7.14 Part Accessors
For rpc-literal envelopes, WSDL 1.1 is not clear what namespace, if any,
the accessor elements for parameters and return value are a part of.
Different implementations make different choices, leading to
interoperability problems.
R2735 An ENVELOPE described with an rpc-literal binding MUST place the
part accessor elements for parameters and return value in no namespace.
Rama Pulavarthi
On 06/27/2011 06:01 AM, malte.cornils_at_charite.de wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm facing a problem somewhat similar to JIRA issue 842
> (http://java.net/jira/browse/JAX_WS-842), which already had
> some helpful comments by Rama Pulavarthi leading my a little further.
> We have an object (with fields containing references to other objects,
> e.g. KeyValue)
> called Event that has been given namespace annotations like this:
> @XmlRootElement(namespace = "http://tmcc.charite.de")
> @XmlType(namespace="http://tmcc.charite.de")
> public class Event ... {
> @XmlElement(namespace = "http://tmcc.charite.de")
> public KeyValue[] getKeyvalue() {...
> In our web service, we have a method called "listen" that takes one of
> these as
> a Webparam. We explicitly specify the namespace there:
> @WebMethod(operationName = "listen")
> @WebResult(name = "event", targetNamespace =
> "http://tmcc.charite.de")
> public Event listen(
> @WebParam(name = "event", targetNamespace =
> "http://tmcc.charite.de") Event event, ...
> This (dual) specification of namespaces works e.g. for SoapUI, which
> generates wire
> soap messages containing this:
> <tmcc:listen>
> <tmcc:event>
> <tmcc:keyvalue> <!-- one of the sub-elements -->
> </tmcc:keyvalue>
> </tmcc:event>
> </tmcc:listen>
> However, when using wsimport to generate stub code and calling the
> listen method,
> on the wire, the following is sent:
> <ns2:listen xmlns:ns2="http://tmcc.charite.de"
> xmlns:ns3="http://de.tembit.com/zpsd">
> <event>
> <ns2:keyvalue>
> which is not accepted by the web service (probably since event is not
> qualified).
> When using package-info.java in the code containing the client to set
> the elements
> to qualified like this:
> @XmlSchema( namespace = "http://tmcc.charite.de", elementFormDefault =
> package de.charite.tmcc.stubs;
> import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema;
> I get the following over the wire:
> <listen xmlns="http://tmcc.charite.de"
> xmlns:ns2="http://de.tembit.com/zpsd">
> <event>
> <keyvalue>
> That means the namespace prefixes are dropped from all the internal
> elements.
> However, since the default NS has been set and is thus also valid for
> the
> children elements, everything is fine. This is accepted by the stub
> (Yay!).
> However, unfortunately, we need the namespace prefixes to be there like
> in the
> SoapUI request.
> Is there any way to force the JAX-WS generated client to prefix-qualify
> all
> the elements, especially the <event> element?
> If it helps, I can send over a zipped eclipse project. Is there any
> documentation
> I have missed? The link to the architecture document and to the web
> forums
> seems to be dead, as well as some links in the wiki.
> Do you have any idea where I can find documentation regarding this
> behaviour, or better yet, example code how to get the JAX-WS client
> to behave like SoapUI in this case?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated; I'm also willing to write up
> my experiences more fully and post them online so others won't
> have the same problem.
> Yours,
> -Malte Cornils