Re: com.sun.istack.XMLStreamException2

From: sh_santosh <>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 03:59:57 -0700 (PDT)

Dear LeRoy,

I need to expose web services.I got a SOAP request xml structure and a SOAP
response xml. By seeing the SOAP xmls structure, i am not able to identify,
which kind of web service (rpc/encodec or doc/literal or wrapped/literal) i
have to expose. Which tools, i need to use to expose the services.
SOAP Request xml -

              <OTA_TestAvailRQ EchoToken="LI" Target="Production"
SOAP response xml -
               <OTA_TestAvailRS EchoToken="LI" PrimaryLangID="en"
TimeStamp="2009-03-24T20:26:37.058+01:00" Version="1.006">

Can i use Axis for exposing services ? Please advise which kind of web
services i have to use ? I am not getting any clue to start on this.

Our current configuration is JDK 1.5 and Tomcat-5.0.28 and Eclipse.

Santosh Sharma

LeRoy Hall wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone has ever encountered this exception:
> com.sun.istack.XMLStreamException2
> From what I can find on the internet it seems to be coming out of the
> SAAJMessage class as the result of a SOAPException, but I have found no
> known causes of the Exception. 
> Here's the SOAP response that caused the exception:
> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8
> Content-Length: 733
> Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 18:29:14 GMT
> Server: Tracteur Turbo
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>    <S:Envelope xmlns:S=""> 
>       <S:Header>   
>          <wsp:authentication
> xmlns:wsp="">     
>             <wsp:userid>***</wsp:userid>     
>             <wsp:password>***</wsp:password>     
>             <wsp:payloadVersion>2007B</wsp:payloadVersion>   
>          </wsp:authentication> 
>       </S:Header> 
>       <S:Body>   
>          <OTA_HotelAvailRS xmlns=""
> TimeStamp="2008-07-16T20:29:14.014+02:00" Version="1.006"
> PrimaryLangID="en" Target="Test" EchoToken="AV">     
>             <Errors>       
>                <Error Type="3" Code="400">HOTEL NOT IN THE DATA
> BASE</Error>     
>             </Errors>   
>          </OTA_HotelAvailRS> 
>       </S:Body>
>    </S:Envelope>

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