Hosting Maven WSDL builder plug-in at JAX-WS commons?

From: Gunnar Morling <>
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 12:53:12 +0200

 Hello *,

a while ago a friend of mine and me published a Maven plugin, which creates
the WSDL file for a web service by examing the service's XML schema. The
project can be found here:

Basically the idea is, that the information about a service's interface is
already part of the XML schema, while the WSDL is a rather technical
representation of that same information. The mechanism relies on naming
conventions: if for instance there is an XML schema file myservice.xml
containing the two schema types MyOperationRequest and MyOperationResponse,
the WSDL file myservice.wsdl comprising the operation MyOperation will be

So the plugin makes the tedious process of writing WSDL files by hand
obsolete, leaving more time for crafting the actual message types. Surely
not all corner cases are considered, but the plug-in should be useful in the
most standard cases.

So we were wondering, whether the Maven WSDL builder plug-in might be hosted
at JAX-WS commons to allow for more users learning about and using it?

Thanks for any comments,
