Re: jms transport for jax-ws developer permission

From: rama pulavarthi <Rama.Pulavarthi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2008 10:47:46 -0700

Thanks for you interest in contributing to JAX-WS.
I think Jitu has sent you an email earlier. If you have n't already
signed the SCA, You would need to sign the SCA policy

Rama Pulavarthi

Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
> I apologize for the delay in the request handling.
> I'm CC-ing this e-mail to the developers of JAX-WS, so that they can process
> your request accordingly.
> 2008/9/30 <>:
>> Hi Koshuke Kawaguchi,
>> I requested developer permission on the jms jax-ws open source project
>> around 20th of september 2008, but haven't received any feedback yet. Could
>> you take a look at my request ?
>> Kind regards.
>> sytze van koningsveld
>> the netherlands
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