Re: Non-HTTP transport

From: Jayashree Viswanathan <>
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 23:05:20 +0530

Hi Jitu,

Thanks for your response. But I don't understand why WSGEN is NOT
consuming a NON-HTTP transport to create a WSDL file If WSIMPORT is
generating the correct service.Are there any work-around for this, if so
can you please state with clear example?

Thanks and Regards,
Jayashree V,

  From: Jitendra Kotamraju <Jitendra.Kotamraju_at_Sun.COM>
  To: Jayashree Viswanathan/India/IBM_at_IBMIN
  Cc:, Jayakarthik Jayabalan/India/IBM_at_IBMIN
  Date: 17/04/2008 05:21
  Subject: Re: Non-HTTP transport

* Use -extension flag

$ ~/jdk1.6.0_05/bin/wsimport -extension -keep -d gen EchoService.wsdl
parsing WSDL...

[WARNING] ignoring SOAP port "EchoServicePort": unrecognized transport.
try running wsimport with -extension switch.
  line 34 of file:/tmp/ibm/EchoService.wsdl

generating code...

* Though it says "ignoring SOAP port", it generates the the correct
service. So you should be able to use

* Note that, I am using JAX-WS 2.1.x


Jayashree Viswanathan wrote:
> Hi jitu,
> Here are the WSDL files.
> I am having "<soap:binding transport="
> If I run wsimport on this I am getting
> E:\jaxws>wsimport EchoService.wsdl -keep -p fresh
> warning: ignoring SOAP port "EchoServicePort": unrecognized transport
> warning: Service "EchoService" does not contain any usable ports
> (See attached file: EchoService.wsdl)(See attached file:
> EchoService_schema1.xsd)
> To further narrow down if I use wsgen I am getting
> E:\jaxws>wsgen -wsdl:soap1.1/jms
> error: "jms" is not a supported transport. Supported transport include:
> http.
> error: Missing SEI
> So, My question is,Are we not supporting non-http transports using the
> <soap:binding transport
> If so is there a reason behind?
> Thanks and Regards,
> Jayashree V

> From: Jitendra Kotamraju <Jitendra.Kotamraju_at_Sun.COM>


> To:


> Cc: Jayakarthik Jayabalan/India/IBM_at_IBMIN


> Date: 11/04/2008 23:49


> Subject: Re: Non-HTTP transport


> Jayashree Viswanathan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am using the JAXWS tools wsimport and wsgen. But when I try to use a
>> transport other than HTTP I am getting an error that it is not
>> I would like to know why any transport other than Http is not being
>> supported ? Is there any specific reason behind this ?
> Can you attach a WSDL
> Thanks,
> Jitu
>> Thanks and Regards,
>> Jayashree V
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