Re: JAXWS Extensions

From: Jitendra Kotamraju <Jitendra.Kotamraju_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 17:21:54 -0800

Jayakarthik Jayabalan wrote:
> Hi,
> I am from IBM Java 6 Development team, this is regarding few
> clarifications needed on JAXWS extension mechanisms.
> So our requirement is to support JMS binding in the JDK,that is,SOAP
> over JMS.But the current JDK supports only SOAP over HTTP.So our
> initial plan was to try to do this only with extension without any
> base JDK changes but on my investigations,it appears to me that JDK
> also needs some changes as there are few places where the validation
> checks are done for HTTP.
> I went through the link but
> that does not appear to be related to our requirement.
> Please find the attached document for the changes proposed for
> supporting this JMS binding,Could you please have a look at it and let
> me know if it is fine/any alternatives available/ if it can be done
> without the JDK changes?Please correct me if am wrong in my
> understanding of this extension mechanism or in my changes.
> Also I have a doubt like in
> **,there is only
> a function called *writeMethodAnnotations*() for writing annotations
> over methods but there is no method to write annotations over the
> class,So is it like this cannot be achieved by using Extension mechanism?
You have two requirements:

1. If in the given input WSDL, if there is a JMS transport value in the
<soap:binding> something like <soap:binding
transport= style="document"> then we
run WsImport on this WSDL,the generated SEI class should have something


* We don't want SEI is to tie with binding specific information. Note
that the same SEI could be used with multiple bindings like SOAP1.1/HTTP
and SOAP1.2/HTTP.

2.Similarly when we run WsGen on the SEI class which has
then the genearted WSDL should have <soap:binding> like

<soap:binding transport=

* Here, once again you do not have to use WsGen. Instead, when the
runtime generates WSDL you could add your
extension(WSDLGeneratorExtension) to generate the desired WSDL.
Using runtime extensions is more tried and tested approach. On the WSDL
side, WSDLGeneratorExtension, WSDLParserExtension can be used.
* Runtime could understand
by writing your own BindingID extension. See how JSON extension does this:,
* New BindingID is picked using services discovery mechanism. for e.g:
JSON binding is picked by bundling this file
* Since this is SOAP, you could use default SOAP codec and that can be
got from "Codecs" class
* Next is plug-in transports for JMS on client and
server( or
* wsimport -extension should work if the WSDL contains JMS bindings
* While generating the WSDL at runtime, I am hoping
WSDLGeneratorExtension should work for you.

If you require any extensions to be enhanced(esp at runtime), we can
plan for them.


> Thanks&Regards
> J.JayaKarthik
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