Re: Temporary file location when Streaming enabled in JAXWS?

From: Vivek Pandey <Vivek.Pandey_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 10:31:37 -0800

As mentioned in the guide at:, see the Server
side section on how to move the StreamingDataHandler contents in to the
file you want to move the data in to.



mp.iworxs wrote:
> Here it says that the when uploading files, it is stored in disk, so anybody
> know where the attached file is stored temporarily? So that i can check with
> that.
> I have problem with large file upload, I have gone through this link
> ( and tried with
> latest version 2.1.3, but the problem remains. I hope its because the entire
> file is held in memory.
> Anybody got it working fine?
> -----
> Regards,
> Manu Prathab. =^D