Okay Gentlemen.
I see absolutely no difference in performance. I downloaded the latest 2.1.2 nightly build for today and looked at my metrics window. I guess I might have a fast response. I am getting around 5-6msec for my messages on my local network. This might even be slower than what I had before the 2.1.2 upgrade. My message should be less than 1500 bytes.
My server is located in Boise Idaho. My webapp was compiled using 1.6.0_02 and I am using 1.6.0_02 on the server. The web app is setup and tested under windows xp and 2000 for the client side.
My jnlp file is:
I am using a AMD64 X2 4200+ on Windows 2000 profsssional for the server.
The test I was running is where I launch the jnlp (first time downloads may take a minute) then say okay to the certificate and the login of student.
Then what I was doing was going to the user tree and clicking on the nodes then look the the metrics window.
I believe a friend in San Ramon was getting 40-60msec round trip time.
If you decide to play the videos and you have a fire wall go to the preferences tab and enter video proxy info such as server name and port then hit the apply button. The first time the video window instantiates may take up to 20 seconds on a slow system.
This is a beta but it is a very fast beta as you may find out.
Tony Anecito
Jitendra Kotamraju <Jitendra.Kotamraju_at_Sun.COM> wrote:
Bhakti's blog primarily targets Glassfish. To try woodstox with RI
distribution, just use woodstox jar(need to download from woodstox
project) instead of sjsxp.jar in the classpath.
Vivek Pandey wrote:
> Tony Anecito wrote:
>> So what version is the nightly builds going to be?
> We will be pushing both 2.1.2 and 2.1.x (which is trunk) nightlies.
> 2.1.2 nightly will continue to be pushed at least till its final
> release (FCS).
>> Also, I noticed that JAXWS 2.1.2 was going to incorporate woodstox is
>> that trure? I saw some results for stax in May that made it look as
>> if woodstox was not as fast as what you already had:
> woodstox support is already there in 2.1.2, See Bhkati's
> and Santiago's
> blog for detail on how to enable Woodstox.We have done our internal
> testing and our finding is that with woodstox we get significant
> improvements.
> -vivek.
>> http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2007/05/09/xml-parser-benchmarks-part-1.html
>> Thx,
>> -Tony
>> */Vivek Pandey /* wrote:
>> JAX-WS RI 2.1.2 is frozen, see road map
>> for
>> details. I have created branch for JAX-WS 2.1.2, the branch tag
>> is 'jaxws212'. Only critical bugs will make into it. For the
>> existing branches corresponding to JAX-WS RI releases see here
>> for details.
>> The trunk is open for JAX-WS RI 2.1.3 so we can start putting
>> features/bugs on the trunk. I will put out the road map for 2.1.3
>> shortly.
>> -vivek.
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