GlassFish Day - FREE event in San Francisco on May 7th.

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Fri, 04 May 2007 19:42:51 -0700

I just realized that I have not sent a reminder to this list about
GlassFish Day. I have been posting regularly at TheAquarium but have
not sent anything to these aliases since my original message in November!

If your browser is handy (and you are online), point to these:

In a nutshell (and in case you are offline):

  - Monday May 7th (day before JavaOne)
  - Moscone Center
  - FREE
  - Presentations on:
   -- GF v2
   -- Real-World Use: PeerFlix, Wotif.COM, Harvard Multiverse
   -- GF Partners: Interface21, TerraCotta, Caucho, Genuitec
   -- GF v3, OpenDS
  - Many Demo Stations
  - Goodies: bumper stickers, USB, t-shirts, free pass to part of J1
  - GlassFish Champion awards
  - Kickoff by Karen Tegan Padir (Sun's VP for middleware)
  - Free Lunch with Jonathan Schwartz and Rich Green
  - Reception at the end.

The event is free, but you should register to ensure your place.

If you read this at the last minute, just drop by. Most likely they
will let you in.

Hope to see many of you there!

        - eduard/o