I was wondering how we move forward with this from here. Obviously it is
to nobodys benefit to have a separate parallel tubes impl in jax-ws RI
so it would be best if we could get it using the new tubes package.
Obviously there is the requirement for no externally visible changes to
the RI pipe package so the changes I sent need to be tested against
projects already using tubes.
I see WSIT uses them but I can't see any reference to them in Glassfish
(on HEAD anyway). Are there other projects you know of using them that
we could test do not break?
I'll have a look at the weekend at what tests are in the RI for tubes
with a view to copying them over to the tubes project. The RI will
likely need to keep these to test its own extension so any breaks can be
seen if the switch is made.
Let me know what I can do to help push this forward.