According to the jaxws spec section Wrapper Style
criteria (v), the following schema snippet should not result to a valid
wrapper style
Because the (v) tells us that the "substitution groups (element
references are not permitted)
<element name="FooCallbackPollResponse">
<element ref="ch:WSResponseHeader"/>
<element name="return" type="xsd:string"/>
But when i use the RI wsimport, the generated code show me it's a
wrapper style, and signature of the method is:
@WebMethod(operationName = "FooCallbackPoll")
@WebResult(targetNamespace = "")
@RequestWrapper(localName = "FooCallbackPoll", targetNamespace =
"...", className = "...")
@ResponseWrapper(localName = "FooCallbackPollResponse",
targetNamespace = "...", className = "...")
public String fooCallbackPoll(
@WebParam(name = "WSResponseHeader", targetNamespace = "...",
mode = Mode.OUT)
Holder<WSResponseHeader> wsResponseHeader)
throws WSException
Is it a bug?