We are aware of this issue and should be fixed soon.
Girish Kotmire wrote:
> I posted this on the forum, but I guess I should have posted it here?
> File names are case-sensitive different, but names collide on windows,
> and hence CVS clients fail to checkout code.. (One of the two files
> needs to be deleted from the CVS server?)
> % cvs -d :pserver:gkotmire_at_cvs.dev.java.net:/cvs checkout -rmr-21
> jax-ws-sources
> ....
> U mr-21/jaxws-ri/rt/src/com/sun/xml/ws/wsdl/writer/WSDLGenerator.java
> U
> mr-21/jaxws-ri/rt/src/com/sun/xml/ws/wsdl/writer/WSDLGeneratorExtensionF
> acade.java
> cvs [server aborted]: WSDLOutputResolver.java,v is ambiguous; could mean
> WSDLOutputResolver.java,v or WsdlOutputResolver.java,v
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