Yes, I think you are right.
James Mao wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks, again, your answers helped a lot.
> I think my question been complicated, let me simplify the question a
> little bit.
> 1. if there is no wrapper annotation in sei, the JAXWS tools will
> generate the wrapper class under jaxws subpackage
> 2. the JAXWS runtime server/client will use the same mechanism to load
> the wrapper class, which are under the jaxws subpackage,
> 3. if the client decided to use the generated wsdl, it have to use the
> tool to generate the wrapper bean, which now are under the SEI
> package, but that's fine, the whole system still works, we have
> duplicated classes, but it won't affect the whole system.
> i'm figuring out the detail of how whole things work, correct me if
> i'm wrong.
> Thanks for your patient,
> James.
>> James,
>> See my responses inline.
>> James Mao wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Thanks, for reply.
>>> So, according to the SPEC, if there is no such annotations, the
>>> wrapper bean classes should be generated under 'jaxws' subpackage of
>>> the SEI package.
>>> And as you said in the wrapper beans, they use the SEI namespace.
>>> I'm wondering if i use the SEI to generate the wsdl, what's the
>>> namespace of the wrapper element should i use,
>>> the SEI namespace or the namespace which mapped the wrapper beans
>>> package name.
>> Which ever you want.
>>> for example,
>>> the SEI method has no wrapper annotation
>>> the SEI package name is net.java the
>>> namespace is http://java.net
>>> the Wrapper classes package name is net.java.jaxws the
>>> namespace is http://java.net
>>> In the generated wsdl should i use http://java.net or
>>> http://java.net/jaxws for the wrapper element in the schema?
>> In this case, the wsdl would have http://java.net. for the wrapper
>> elements.
>>> It seems to me that i should use the SEI namespace in the wsdl,
>>> if that's the case, then if i use the wsdl to generate the java
>>> code (reverse engineering)
>>> then the wrapper bean class will be generated under the sei package,
>>> there are duplicate wrapper classes
>>> one in jaxws subpackage which was generated during java2wsdl, one in
>>> sei package which was generated during wsdl2java
>> You should not mix Java code from the server with Java code generated
>> from a WSDL. This way you will only
>> have one set of wrappers and on the client, they may very well be in
>> the java.net package and not the java.net.jaxws package,
>> but they will still behave the same.
>>> So i guess there is a conflict in the definition, i not sure though.
>> Only if you try to mix the original Java classes with those generated
>> by importing the WSDL. But even if you did mix them,
>> everything would work fine as the generated Java SEI would have
>> Request/ResponseWrappers that point at the wrapper classes generated
>> when inporting the WSDL and not the wrapper classes generated on the
>> server.
>> I hope that answers your questions.
>>> Thanks again.
>>> James.
>>>> James,
>>>> The customizations being spoken of are the Request/ResponseWrapper
>>>> annotations.
>>>> If you look at the generated wrapper beans, they declare the same
>>>> namespace as the SEI.
>>>> Thank you for using JAX-WS.
>>>> James Mao wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> In jsr-224 said "In the absence of customizations, the
>>>>> wrapper beans package MUST be a generated jaxws subpackage of the
>>>>> SEI package"
>>>>> I don't know how to understand "In the absence of customizations",
>>>>> is that mean the method has no RequestWrapper annotation?
>>>>> or it can also mean there is a RequestWrapper annotation, but it
>>>>> does not have a className attribute?
>>>>> anyway, if the wrapper bean class is generated into jaxws
>>>>> subpackage, how does this map to wsdl?
>>>>> the targetNamespace of the element will reflect the jaxws
>>>>> subpackage, or not?
>>>>> if it does, then it conflict with the annotation definition in
>>>>> section 7.3, it said the targetNamespace by default is the
>>>>> targetNamespace of SEI.
>>>>> The SEI targetNamespace definitely will not include jaxws
>>>>> So, I guess there will have a conflict in java class and the
>>>>> generated wsdl, when the wrapper annotation is in absence.
>>>>> Thanks in advance for any help
>>>>> James
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