Thanks, for reply.
So, according to the SPEC, if there is no such annotations, the wrapper
bean classes should be generated under 'jaxws' subpackage of the SEI
And as you said in the wrapper beans, they use the SEI namespace.
I'm wondering if i use the SEI to generate the wsdl, what's the
namespace of the wrapper element should i use,
the SEI namespace or the namespace which mapped the wrapper beans
package name.
for example,
the SEI method has no wrapper annotation
the SEI package name is net.java the namespace
the Wrapper classes package name is net.java.jaxws the namespace
In the generated wsdl should i use
http://java.net or
http://java.net/jaxws for the wrapper element in the schema?
It seems to me that i should use the SEI namespace in the wsdl,
if that's the case, then if i use the wsdl to generate the java code
(reverse engineering)
then the wrapper bean class will be generated under the sei package,
there are duplicate wrapper classes
one in jaxws subpackage which was generated during java2wsdl, one in sei
package which was generated during wsdl2java
So i guess there is a conflict in the definition, i not sure though.
Thanks again.
> James,
> The customizations being spoken of are the Request/ResponseWrapper
> annotations.
> If you look at the generated wrapper beans, they declare the same
> namespace as the SEI.
> Thank you for using JAX-WS.
> James Mao wrote:
>> Hi,
>> In jsr-224 said "In the absence of customizations, the
>> wrapper beans package MUST be a generated jaxws subpackage of the SEI
>> package"
>> I don't know how to understand "In the absence of customizations", is
>> that mean the method has no RequestWrapper annotation?
>> or it can also mean there is a RequestWrapper annotation, but it does
>> not have a className attribute?
>> anyway, if the wrapper bean class is generated into jaxws subpackage,
>> how does this map to wsdl?
>> the targetNamespace of the element will reflect the jaxws subpackage,
>> or not?
>> if it does, then it conflict with the annotation definition in
>> section 7.3, it said the targetNamespace by default is the
>> targetNamespace of SEI.
>> The SEI targetNamespace definitely will not include jaxws
>> So, I guess there will have a conflict in java class and the
>> generated wsdl, when the wrapper annotation is in absence.
>> Thanks in advance for any help
>> James
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