Re: Really broken soap message

From: Ryan Shoemaker - JavaSoft East <Ryan.Shoemaker_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 09 Jan 2007 22:31:22 -0500

Vivek Pandey wrote:
> Can you tell me a bit about your test? I have wsit wspace can you point
> me to your testcase, I will try to recreate it in jaxws unit test.

I wish I had a simple test case that you could try, but I'm seeing this
in the middle of a lengthy exchange of ws-tx protocol messages in one of
our interop scenarios. This is between two GF domains that are fully
configured with all the necessary security settings, etc. So, there
really isn't any way for you to run them. I'll try to diagnose this
further tomorrow and get back to you.

> It might be related to the multiple root support that was added in
> streambuffer.jar to allow writing and reading multiple body parts from
> xml stream buffer. I know there is a bug in xmlstreambuffer introduced
> due to this change and kohsuke and I tried to put a fix in the morning
> but thats not helping I guess.

Perhaps you can speak with Kohsuke tomorrow and see if you can think of
any reason this is happening.

