This is a separate issue. Here in doclit style, you can bind only one
part to Body. IOW, if your binding binds only one part to the body (you
have to explicitly say which part you want to bind with the body)
wsimport will work fine.
LeRoy Hall wrote:
> FYI - Similarly there is a problem with jax-ws consuming a wsdl where
> a message is defined to have multiple parts.
> For example, the following parts of a wsdl will cause jax-ws to fail
> when generating artifacts:
> <wsdl:message name="someMsgNameInput">
> <wsdl:part name="Header" element="someElementName"/>
> <wsdl:part name="Message" element="someElementName"/>
> </wsdl:message>
> ...
> <wsdl:portType name="SomePortType">
> <wsdl:operation name="someOperation">
> <wsdl:input message="intf:someMsgNameInput"/>
> <wsdl:output message="intf:someMsgNameOutput"/>
> </wsdl:operation>
> </wsdl:portType>
> ...
> */Vivek Pandey <Vivek.Pandey_at_Sun.COM>/* wrote:
> Hi Paul/Kohsuke,
> There is an issue regarding jaxws not able to consume SOAP message
> body
> having multiple parts. For example message such as :
> xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
> This should work atleast for Dispatch and
> Provider mode given there is no intermediate message
> conversion other than to SAAJMessage etc.
> With some changes its kind of working except when there is a
> DumpTube,
> which calls StreamMessage.copy(). This is what I am trying to do
> inside
> StreamMessage.copy():
> -----
> MutableXMLStreamBuffer xsb = new MutableXMLStreamBuffer();
> StreamReaderBufferCreator c = new
> StreamReaderBufferCreator(xsb);
> //write all the soapenv:Body parts
> while(reader.getEventType() !=
> XMLStreamConstants.END_DOCUMENT){
> String name = reader.getLocalName();
> String nsUri = reader.getNamespaceURI();
> if(name.equals("Body") &&
> nsUri.equals(soapVersion.nsUri) || (reader.getEventType() ==
> XMLStreamConstants.END_DOCUMENT))
> break;
> c.create(reader);
> }
> reader = xsb.readAsXMLStreamReader();
> clone = xsb.readAsXMLStreamReader();
> ------
> Above I assume that c.create() will append the second body part to
> the
> document being created. Meaning when I do nextTag() in a loop till
> END_DOCUMENT event is reach I will get 2 tages. Latter on when I get
> StreamReaderBufferProcessor from XMLStreamBuffer, then while
> reading the
> elements from it I will get both the body parts.
> Problem is that when I read latter from
> StreamReaderBufferProcessor, it
> gives me only one body part. After reading the first element it gives
> the next event as END_DOCUMENT and somehow does not give me the
> second
> one, even though it was written on the XMLStreamBuffer.
> What do I need to do to get such functionality?
> -vivek.
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