the activation framework is defined by jsr 925
The implementation for the javax.activation in packaged with Mustang
(J2SE 6.0)
It was (and continues to be with java ee5 ) also a part of J2EE
earlier and should be in the corresponding
Hope that helps
Mohan K R wrote:
I am very much interested in the Spring Support in the
jax-ws.commons package. I wanted to try it out
so I checked it our from the subversion repository. It appears one of
the dependency (I don't have it
handy, I think it was saaj-api) has a transitive dependency to
javax.activation 1.0.2 which is not available
anywhere (well, the pom are available but they point back to repos and has only 1.1).
Currently, my use-case for spring is that I need to bootstrap by SEI
with some spring injected beans,
is that possible? Thanks