Re: SOAPFault headers? (and SOAPFault in general)

From: Ryan Shoemaker - JavaSoft East <Ryan.Shoemaker_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2006 10:54:18 -0500

Arun Gupta wrote:
> Ryan Shoemaker - JavaSoft East wrote:
>> One final question: suppose that I want to dispatch a SOAPFault to an EPR
> What do you mean by dispatching a fault to an EPR ?

My wsdl is full of one-way operations that do not specify any faults. For

     <wsdl:portType name="RegistrationCoordinatorPortType">
         <wsdl:operation name="RegisterOperation">
             <wsdl:input message="wscoor:Register"

The implementation of this operation is required to send faults under certain
error conditions, but I can't throw SOAPFaultException since it's one-way.

Everyone else I've spoke with about this says that I need to use Dispatch to
send the fault. I'm currently trying something like this (but the code isn't

     MessageContext msgContext = wsContext.getMessageContext();
     HeaderList headers = (HeaderList) msgContext.get(JAXWSProperties.INBOUND_HEADER_LIST_PROPERTY);
     String msgID = headers.getMessageID(AddressingVersion.MEMBER, SOAPVersion.SOAP_11);
     EndpointReference replyTo = (headers.getReplyTo(AddressingVersion.MEMBER, SOAPVersion.SOAP_11)).toSpec();
     WSEndpointReference faultTo = (headers.getFaultTo(AddressingVersion.MEMBER, SOAPVersion.SOAP_11));

     if( error detected ) {
             faultTo != null ? faultTo.toSpec() : null,
             WsaHelper.createFault(SOAPVersion.SOAP_11, TxFault.InvalidState, "Some Message"),

Where WsaHelper.sendFault looks like:

     public static void sendFault(@Nullable EndpointReference faultTo,
                                  @NotNull EndpointReference replyTo,
                                  @NotNull SOAPFault fault,
                                  @NotNull QName serviceName) {

         EndpointReference to = faultTo != null ? faultTo : replyTo;

         Service s = Service.create(new QName("foo", "bar"));
         Dispatch<Source> d = s.createDispatch(to, Source.class, Service.Mode.MESSAGE,
                                              /* TODO: enable one-way feature??? */ null);
         d.invokeOneWay(new DOMSource(fault));

WsaHelper.createFault just creates a SOAP 1.1 SOAPFault and fills in the

The above code isn't working. I'm passing bogus info into Service.create
since I don't have a service name. Apparently this was a 2.1 MR spec issue
that never got resolved. Beyond that, I'm now getting: EPR does nt have WSDL Metadata which is needed for the current operation

Which is kind of funny since the EPR I'm passing into createDispatch was
created by the JAX-WS runtime system.

The bottom line is that I need to be able to construct a new SOAPFault and
send it back to the faultTo or replyTo EPRs contained in the message I'm
currently processing. The fault has to contain wsa:Action and wsa:RelatesTo.

Any help would be greatly appreciated since I'm basically stuck and don't
really know what to try next. Pointers to source code examples would be

