dumpshock wrote:
> Hi Mr. Kawaguchi!
> Yes, you are right, I implemented the spring-integration based on
> InstanceResolver and InstanceResolverAnnotation. I followed the
> example you commited on jax-ws-commons.dev.java.net.
> The only thing I had to change was to remove the
> WebServiceFeatureAnnotation from my @SpringConfigured-Annotation since
> this will fail with any implementation of
> com.sun.xml.ws.binding.WebServiceFeatureList newer than
> because there was introduced some Exception for unknown
> WebServiceFeatureAnnotations.
I lost some of details, but I guess the WebServiceFeature bean is not
too important for this because you'll be activating this via annotation.
Is that right?
> I have to admit, that my knowledge about the whole JAX-WS-Stack is not
> that great, I ony began last week to work with JAX-WS. There is a
> strong need for us to access our spring-managed beans. Even nicer,
> with the InstanceResolver-solution I can configure my complete
> Webservice in Spring.
That's fine. I can provide the JAX-WS RI side of the knowledge. What I'm
looking for is someone with more spring experience than we have.
> I do not know, if I would be great help on that integration, but
> clearly I am interessted.
> Just tell me, what I can do to help.
I'd first like to pounce a few ideas to see if it makes sense for Spring
users. Then if you could help us with some of the implementation or
usability feedback, that would be great.
So here is the idea...
The initial idea for supporting Spring was that, like in your case, if
your application is wired by Spring, it would be very convenient if
JAX-WS fetches the configured service instances (class with @WebService)
from Spring --- for example in that way, your bean would receive other
configurations by Spring.
Then we thought, if we are to do that, wouldn't it be nice if you can
configure other things with Spring, like handlers associated with the
service. because to do that today you'd need to write a separate file,
and that can be very easily absorbed to Spring. And again, if we fetch
handlers from Spring, handlers could be wired by Spring too. You can do
all sorts of AOP stuff, or get other beans injected to handlers.
Then we thought, well, if we are to do that, wouldn't it be even nicer
if you can configure JAX-WS itself with Spring. For example, today,
you'd have to write sun-jaxws.xml (if you run outside JavaEE) to specify
what are your service classes and which URL you want them to bind to,
etc. Today, JAX-WS reads that file and assembles a bunch of components
to do what you want it to do, and if you think about it, this is exactly
the kind of thing Spring does --- put together a bunch of components!
And then the added benefit is that this mechanism allows extension
authors to easily plug in their own components. For example, some people
are writing custom transports, so why not use Spring as the mechanism to
configure those, instead of have them write their own "deployment
Does that make sense?
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems kohsuke.kawaguchi_at_sun.com