Re: Disabling Action validation on the receiving side

From: Arun Gupta <Arun.Gupta_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 15:18:28 -0700

>> In JAX-WS 2.1 RI, WsaServerTube matches the Action received in the
>> Message with that expected on the operation invoked. The operation is
>> identified using the payload QName. If the two Actions do not match,
>> then ActionNotSupportedException is thrown which is then mapped to [1]
>> and returned to the client.
>> For an Action-based dispatch to work, exactly same payload may be sent
>> with different Actions. If the RI continue validating received Action
>> with that expected, then only one Action will be valid Action-based
>> dispatch will not work.
> How does RI validate the received Action ? Is it matched against
> payload QName-->JavaMethod-->Action ?
Yep, that's how the expected Action is obtained.


> If action itself is used to find Java method, then there is no step of
> action validation.
> Jitu
>> To fix this, I propose that we remove Action validation from the RI.
>> This is an optional fault anyway.
>> Does anybody see a compatibility issue with this ?
>> [1]
>> Thanks,
>> -Arun
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