Re: Proposal for WebServiceFeature Extension

From: Jitendra Kotamraju <Jitendra.Kotamraju_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 18:22:28 -0700

Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
> Rama Pulavarthi wrote:
>> Spec defines two feature annotaions @Addressing and @MTOM. The
>> feature extensions are growing daily (@MemberSubmissionAddressing,
>> @Stateful, @OptimalEncoding....) How to deal with these growing
>> annotations?
> I think the problem you are trying to solve is real, and I'm happy to
> see that you are attacking it, but I have a problem with your solution.
> You are serving two audience here. One is the system-level developers
> that extend the JAX-WS RI (people like Paul or me), and the other is
> the JAX-WS RI users, who ultimately uses all those things.
> You need to have a mechanism that the former people can use, while not
> making anything uglier for the latter. IMO your approach has a problem
> with the 2nd part of this, because you are exposing a method that
> JAX-WS users would see.
> I think a better approach is a constructor annotation. You ask Paul to
> define 'Foo' feature like this (the same with your proposal so far):
> @Target(ElementType.TYPE)
> @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
> @Documented
> @WebServiceFeatureAnnotation(id=FooFeature.ID,bean=FooFeature.class)
> public @interface Foo {
> /**
> * Specifies param2 option
> */
> boolean param2() default true;
> /**
> * Specifies param1 option
> */
> String param1() default "";
> }
> but instead of defining WebServiceFeatureEx, ask him to define FooBean
> like this:
> public class FooFeature extends WebServiceFeature {
> public static final String ID = "foo";
> private final boolean param2;
> private final String param1;
> public FooFeature(
> @FeatureParameter("param1") String param1,
> @FeatureParameter("param2") boolean param2){
> this.param1 = param1;
> this.param2 = param2;
> }
> }
> This approach minimizes the exposure of this mechanism to the users.
What's the real advantage of @FeatureParamer ? to figure out setter
method ?

If the FooFeature follows the bean pattern, the runtime can get the
values from the annotation and populate the bean.

FooFeature feature = new FooFeature()

>> Currently, There is no easy way get a WebServiceFeature instance from
>> a feature annotation. The WebServiceFeatureAnnotation.bean() gives
>> only the associated class.
>> So, I propose all feature extensions to extend
>> With this we can get an
>> WebServiceFeature Object easily.
>> This is extensible and we don't have deal with feature annotation
>> extensions in the future. RI already has provided extension points
>> for WSDL Generation, WSDL Parsing, Runtime through Pipes/Tubes.
>> If @Foo(param1="xyz",param2=true) is present on an impl class,
>> RI will get an instance of FooFeature from
>> @Foo(param1="xyz",param2=true) and sets it on WSBinding.
>> Corresponding FooTube or FooWSDLExtensions will handle this feature
>> at runtime/wsdl generation.
>> ---------------
>> package;
>> import;
>> import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
>> public abstract class WebServiceFeatureEx extends WebServiceFeature {
>> public abstract WebServiceFeatureEx getFeatureObject(Annotation ann);
>> }
>> ---------------
>> package;
>> @Target(ElementType.TYPE)
>> @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
>> @Documented
>> @WebServiceFeatureAnnotation(id=FooFeature.ID,bean=FooFeature.class)
>> public @interface Foo {
>> /**
>> * Specifies param2 option
>> */
>> boolean param2() default true;
>> /**
>> * Specifies param1 option
>> */
>> String param1() default "";
>> }
>> -----------------
>> import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
>> public class FooFeature extends WebServiceFeatureEx {
>> public static final String ID = "foo";
>> boolean param2 = false;
>> String param1= null;
>> public FooFeature(String param1, boolean param2){
>> this.param1 = param1;
>> this.param2 = param2;
>> }
>> public WebServiceFeatureEx getFeatureObject(Annotation ann) {
>> if(!(ann instanceof Foo))
>> return null;// or throw Exception
>> Foo foo = (Foo)ann;
>> // Each feature knows how to deal with its annotation
>> return new FooFeature(foo.param1(),foo.param2());
>> }
>> public String getParam1() {
>> return param1;
>> }
>> public boolean getParam2() {
>> return param2;
>> }
>> public String getID() {
>> return ID;
>> }
>> ----------------------------
>> thanks,
>> Rama Pulavarthi
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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