Rama Pulavarthi wrote:
> I agree there should be a better error reporting.
> Can you attach your complete wsdl as this is occurring during wsdl parsing.
Hi Rama,
Thanks, we figured out the problem - part of our wsdl was commented out
and I didn't notice it. Should I file an issue about improving the
error reporting?
> Regarding your Bonus Question,
> If you don't specify the portName and ServiceName attributes, we try to
> figure it out following default mapping rules
> as ${endpoint_implementation_class_name}+"Port" and
> ${endpoint_implementation_class_name}+Service respectively.
> In your case ActivationCoordinatorPortTypeImpl +"Port" does n't match
> the port name in wsdl and same is the case with service name.
> So, you need to explicitly set them.
Ok, thanks for the explanation.