Re: question: turning off "?wsdl" in the jax-ws server

From: Jitendra Kotamraju <Jitendra.Kotamraju_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 15:19:38 -0700

Bobby Bissett - Javasoft wrote:

>> What do you mean turn off ? Does it result in 404 or someother message ?
> Either way, or maybe just give the same page it does when there is no
> query string on the request. The idea is that there isn't much point
> in securing the metadata through mex if a client can just circumvent
> that with the normal HTTP Get request.

One option is to control the publishing using a ServletContext
parameter. That means web.xml should include a standard property. But
similar thing may not work with 109 deployment.

>> Using SDDocumentFilter, you can control what content you are going to
>> publish. If the filter knows whether request is from ?wsdl or MEX, it
>> can filter some things. But it cannot send any http status code.
> That's fine as long as long as the ?wsdl request can be blocked. I
> don't see this class used in my jax-ws or wsit workspaces. Can you
> point me to more info about it?

see mr-21 branch.


> Thanks,
> Bobby
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