Re: JAX-WS project structure

From: Martin Grebac <Martin.Grebac_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 10:48:29 +0200

Arun Gupta wrote:
> I'm in the process of preparing an email listing out all the tweaks that
> had to be done for making WSIT compilation Netbeans "friendly".
> In summary, it is indeed not as clean as it seems like. Other IDEs like
> IntelliJ and Eclipse don't modify the existing build.xml.

  I'm waiting for the email, but those targets are directly used from
IDE's actions and I actually like the approach that you can customize
almost all of your IDE's actions in ant-way (compile single file, run
tests, run single test, debug tests, debug single tests, generate
javadoc, ...) to do whatever you want them to do. And another view why
I like the approach is that the IDE actions do the same as the build
script. But I understand your concerns.

Martin Grebac
Web Technologies & Standards
Sun Microsystems Czech
ICQ: 93478885