Why doesn't the async method have @WebResult annotation ?
For e.g.:
@WebMethod(operationName = "TestInt")
@RequestWrapper(localName = "TestInt", targetNamespace =
"urn:test:types", className = "fromwsdl.handler.client.TestInt")
@ResponseWrapper(localName = "TestIntResponse", targetNamespace =
"urn:test:types", className = "fromwsdl.handler.client.TestIntResponse")
public Response<TestIntResponse> testIntAsync(
@WebParam(name = "intin", targetNamespace = "urn:test:types")
int intin);
The corresponding sync method has this annotation. Otherwise, modelling
async operation is difficult(need to get that annotation from the
corresponding sync method). Is this a spec issue or code generation bug ?
@WebResult(name = "intout", targetNamespace = "urn:test:types")