Vivek Pandey wrote:
> Somewhere in the runtime default value of soapAction is set to empty
> string - "". This default value is for SOAP 1.1 only. In soap 1.2
> there is no such default value. In SOAP 1.2 if SOAPAction is not
> present then the 'action' parameter is not serialized in the
> Content-Type HTTP header.
> So currently, while writing soap 1.2 soap action, a check has to be
> made -
> if(packet.soapAction != null && !packet.soapAction.equals("\"\"")){
> //write soap action
> }
> can Packet.soapAction be left without setting default value hard coded
> to SOAP 1.1 and logic of writing soap action is left to encoders -
> since they know which soap version they are working on?
> -vivek.
> sets the default value for soapAction. You should
be able to access SOAPVersion (using stub) to modify the intialization
logic. Otherwise, the encoder can do that as you mentioned.