We need to access the WSDL at runtime to determine the binding. Unlike
JAX-RPC, JAX-WS generates the SEI
mainly on the portType. Since JAX-WS uses a fully dynamic runtime (no
generated marshallers) we need
to look into the WSDL to determine the binding information. This was
done so that you can in theory, use the same
generated SEI for multiple bindings.
Swee Lim wrote:
> I am curious to learn more about the following questions.
> 1. Is it really necessary get access to the WSDL at runtime when
> running the fromwsdl example?
> 2. Why can't/isn't all the necessary information already encoded in
> the generated stubs and associated annotations?
> Background: The above applies to the JAX-WS 2.0 EA3.
> Thanks for your assistance,
> Swee
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