Re: Generated endpoint Address

From: Arun Gupta <Arun.Gupta_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 13:26:33 -0700

> Up until now, when generating WSDLs we have been generating the
> soap:address with a value of "REPLACE_WITH_ACTUAL_URL".
> The reason this is done is to provide a place holder so that our runtime
> WSDL patching code could patch this
> value with the proper one when the WSDL is retrieved from the server.
> The question is, when a user generates
> the WSDL with wsgen and we do not know what the endpoint address is,
> what should we generate for the address?
Why cant we continue using "REPLACE_WITH_ACTUAL_URL" ?

new URI("REPLACE_WITH_ACTUAL_URL") does not throw an exception.


> To be a valid WSDL the value needs to be a URI. Does anyone have any
> suggestions on what this value should be?
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