How can we generate the SEI? We don't know what the binding is so the
181 annotations (@SOAPBinding) will be wrong!
Vivek Pandey wrote:
> Jitendra Kotamraju wrote:
>> Probably, we should generate Port Type and other artifacts even though
>> we won't gereate a Service class(for e.g: On the
>> client side using API's Service class, a client application can
>> bootstrap the proxy. On the SE endpoints, we generate a concrete WSDL,
>> if metadata contains only abstract WSDL.
> absolutely, without generated serivice class a client application can
> create a service using wsdl location and the service QName. For SE
> endpoint its fine. Should we not be doing same for other cases - app
> server or servlet based endpoints. Or the programming model requires
> user to provide a concrete WSDL?
> -vivek.
>> Jitu
>> Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
>>> I have an WSDL that only defines portType and its descendants, but
>>> not binding, service, nor port. This is an WSDL that I generated from
>>> Indigo.
>>> I think I should be able to create a Java SEI from this, by using
>>> wsimport, but right now I can't do it. wsimport complains as follows:
>>> % java WsImport foobar.wsdl
>>> warning: WSDL document does not define any services
>>> ... and doesn't seem to generate anything (the error message is
>>> confusing because even though it says "warning", this does seem like
>>> a fatal error, given that it doesn't produce anything!)
>>> Shouldn't I be able to do this? Is this a problem that we need to fix
>>> in wsimport?
>>> (BTW, svcutil was able to process this abstract WSDL successfully and
>>> generated C# artifacts just fine.)
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Doug Kohlert
Java Software Division
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
phone: 503 345-9806