wsimport should have generated an SEI. I will look into it.
Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
> I have an WSDL that only defines portType and its descendants, but not
> binding, service, nor port. This is an WSDL that I generated from Indigo.
> I think I should be able to create a Java SEI from this, by using
> wsimport, but right now I can't do it. wsimport complains as follows:
> % java WsImport foobar.wsdl
> warning: WSDL document does not define any services
> ... and doesn't seem to generate anything (the error message is
> confusing because even though it says "warning", this does seem like a
> fatal error, given that it doesn't produce anything!)
> Shouldn't I be able to do this? Is this a problem that we need to fix
> in wsimport?
> (BTW, svcutil was able to process this abstract WSDL successfully and
> generated C# artifacts just fine.)
Vivek Pandey
Web Services Standards and Technologies
Sun Microsystems Inc.