I could not find the expectReply property in the Message class.
Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
> Based on a discussion this morning, I made the following changes. All
> the JAX-WS code is fixed accordingly, including dispatch and handlers.
> So Rama and Kathy has no need to worry about.
> This message is mostly for people that rely on JAX-WS, to integrate
> this change.
> --------------------------
> reworked the Packet.isOneWay property.
> The ReliableMessaging team identified that there can be a disconnect
> between
> what the calling application expects (whether it's one way or not) and
> what
> the transport should be doing. To reconcile these difference in such a
> way
> that makes it easy for pipes to check for one-way messages, I changed
> the isOneWay property.
> - Packet.isOneWay property is removed. To be precise, it's left there,
> with @deprecated, so that the removal does not cause immediate build
> failure for Tango. But this flag is no longer updated, used,
> referenced, and will be really removed shortly.
> - A part of the functionality is moved as Message.isOneWay(WSDLPort).
> This method lets pipes check whether a message is a one-way request
> according to the WSDL. This is done by checking the tag name of the
> payload.
> - There is a new property called Message.expectReply, which instructs
> one-way transports (like SMTP) whether or not wait for a reply
> message.
> RM will want to set Message.expectReply=true, to request the
> transport to check for a reply. It can also check if the current request
> message is a one-way request message, by using Message.isOneWay(WSDLPort)