Reading binary data from header

From: Vivek Pandey <Vivek.Pandey_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2006 18:24:19 -0800


StreamReaderBufferCreator.storeElementAndChildren() doesnt use enhanced
streaming reader XMLStreamReaderEx.getPCData(), instead it always call
getTextCharacters(), I think it should be calling this method only when
there is no binary data. Since you never know when the data is binary -
you can call XMLStreamReaderEx.getPCData() when the underlying reader
support it?

Otherwise the mtom enhanced reader will have to base64 decode and give
it back which we dont want to do at that.

                 case XMLStreamReader.CDATA: {


Vivek Pandey
Web Services Standards and Technologies
Sun Microsystems Inc.