Re: edge pipes

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2006 12:17:37 +0100

Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
> I'm trying to pick up the discussion of the edge pipe designs.
> - StreamBasedMessage. Paul suggested that we should parameterize
> Packet with the actual message type 'T' (where T could be things
> like Message or StreamBasedMessage), but because Packet is highly
> visible, I'd like to keep it as is.

But i thought that was what generics were for :-) from the developer POV
there is no change.

If we stay with the existing approach it is necessary to duplicate all
the functionality in Packet? or can it be a subset?

> The current works (except that
> it's ugly, since its message field will always be empty.)
> - XMLStreamReaderMessage processStreamReader(Packet packet) makes sense,
> as a Message is an XML infoset anyway, but I'm not sure about the
> versions that take InputStreamMessage.
> The first concern is that this breaks the encoder pluggability. At
> least we need some negotiation phase so that the security pipe (SP)
> can check if the encoding in use is really what it supports.
> Also, I'm convinced enough that going down to the infoset level would
> give a performance improvement to SP, but I'm not so convinced about
> going down to the stream level. I mean, it seems like SP needs to be
> fairly sophisticated to use this correctly. You'd have to produce the
> UTF-8 encoded canonical text for the signed portion, keep it on the
> side, compute the digest as a filter, then produce headers, then the
> buffered body. Is the security team really committed to do this?

Some of this has already been implemented in SAAJ and gives a boost.

The key is to avoid two serializations of what is signed. When using
crypto-hardware to produce the digest i think this will be quite effective.

> If they aren't planning to do so right away, we can always defer this
> until it's necessary.
> Lastly, using InputStreamMessage seems to imply that SP is going to
> cache the whole message in memory (unless SP is very smart and
> implement the whole logic inside out in a InputStream class.) Is that
> what's planned, or am I missing something?

My presumption was that the whole message would be cached based on the
case of WCF where signing of all headers and body i.e. most of the
message requires signing.

> Instead, wouldn't it be better for the ClientEdgePipe to give SP
> a XMLStreamWriter to write to (thus conceptually set the layer to
> the infoset layer, not below)?
> XMLStreamWriter would then expose a hint that it's writing to UTF-8
> OutputStream in a plain XML (or perhaps also MTOM), and then SP
> can switch to write to OutputStream directly. We can use this for
> JAXB, too.
> I think this is cleaner in the sense that I'm only breaking the
> abstraction one at a time (instead of going straight from Message
> to stream), and each short-cut is usable for other things.

Yes, i think that would be better. It is easier to get the hint of when
to go to the encoding.

Shall we add such a method(s) to XMLStreamWriterEx?

> - I think similar thing applies to ServerEdgePipe, but let's settle on
> ClientEdgePipe first, and we can just apply the same design to SEP.

Yes, essentially the reverse direction.


| ? + ? = To question
    Paul Sandoz