parameter to PipelineAssembler

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 14:16:35 -0500

Currently the create method just takes a RuntimeModel, but Kathy pointed
out that it's not quite right, since RuntimeModel only describes the SEI
(and therefore it doesn't exist if there's no SEI --- like dispatch or

So I wonder what needs to be passed to PipelineAssembler.

I guess ServiceDelegate is always there (if it's client), and
RuntimeEndpointInfo is always there if it's server. Are these objects
the right ones to expose? (But it would be nice if the PipeAssembler
signature remains the same between clients and servers -- I think it's
nicer if we can have different implementations for server and client
that has the same signature, although that's not a must.)

Or shall we just expose Binding (but I suspect we need to expose WSDL as

Should we talk to the policy folks to learn more about this pipeline
construction step?

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems