Problems Running Samples on Glassfish Server

From: <>
Date: Tue, 03 Jan 2006 16:39:55 -0700

I built JAX-WS from the source obtained via CVS. The build id is: JAX-WS RI
2.0-01/03/2006 06:03 PM(devglassfish)-ea3

I followed the instructions on to build and
install. However, my AS_HOME is set to my Glassfish installation, rather than
AppServ8.1UR2 as described.

When I try to deploy the samples/annotations, the auto-deploy fails and I see
this message in the server.log:

loading deployment descriptors for jaxws-annotations -- WEB-INF/web.xml in
archive jaxws-annotations is of version 2.3, which cannot support annotations
in an application. Please upgrade the deployment descriptor to be a version
supported by Java EE 5.0 (or later).

Is there a way to get these samples to run on Glassfish? Also, am I screwing up
Glassfish by installing this version of JAX-WS RI into it? Maybe Glassfish is
bundled with an older version??

Thanks for any help,
