Re: Dispatch with JAXBContext Problem

From: Kathy Walsh <Kathleen.Walsh_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 04 Jan 2006 13:47:07 -0500

Thanks Doug-

Doug Kohlert wrote:

> One small note, and someone can correct me if I wrong, but this
> subject should be better discussed on the
> mailing list so more users are exposed to this type of question. This
> mailing list is used to discuss implementation design/direction etc.
> Thank you
> Kathy Walsh wrote:
>> mark,
>> I am looking into this and checking into the implementation, past notes,
>> and spec. An HTTP GET may not be allowed when using JAXB objects
>> with Dispatch-
>> I will get back to you later today-
>> Regards,
>> Kathy
>> wrote:
>>> I'm using the JAX-WS version in Glassfish (built yesterday from
>>> source). Even
>>> though I create the Dispatch with a JAXBContext, it is returning a
>>> StreamSource. Is this the intended behavior when doing an HTTP "GET"?
>>> Here is code:
>>> JAXBContext jc =
>>> JAXBContext.newInstance("com.example.oms:com.example.css");
>>> // Get the new orders
>>> Service svc = Service.create(svcQName);
>>> svc.addPort(orderQName, HTTPBinding.HTTP_BINDING, newOrdersUrl);
>>> Dispatch<Object> getOrdersDispatch =
>>> svc.createDispatch(orderQName, jc, Service.Mode.PAYLOAD);
>>> Map<String, Object> requestContext =
>>> getOrdersDispatch.getRequestContext();
>>> requestContext.put(MessageContext.HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD, "GET");
>>> JAXBElement<OrdersType> newOrdersElt =
>>> (JAXBElement<OrdersType>) getOrdersDispatch.invoke(null);
>>> Here is run time error:
>>> [java] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException:
>>> [java] at
>>> samples.OrderToCustHistJAXB.main(
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