Re: XMLStreamReaderEx, XMLStreamWriterEx

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <>
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 08:39:35 -0800

Paul Sandoz wrote:
> I think this makes good sense.
> It does mean that XOP-based writer and reader would have to delegate
> lots of methods (unless SJSXP supported those methods directly).

I think XOP-based reader needs to hook into a lot of methods anyway, so
I think that side is OK. For example, even a simple method like


has to be changed not to return 'xop' for "xop:Include". On the writer
side you are right. The writeStartElement() method can just pass
through, but the proposed modification will require a delegation.

If it turns out to be a real cost, perhaps we can write one version that
extends the Zephyr class, another that delegates? We can try to use the
former first, and if it fails to load correctly, we can resort to the

Or eventually would it make sense to ask the parser team to support
these things? If XOP is an infoset encoding, it makes sense to me to
have them handle it --- they might be able to do it more efficiently
than we do.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems