MTOM processing and Handlers

From: Mark Hansen <>
Date: Wed, 02 Nov 2005 10:17:18 -0500

I'm trying to understand part of the JAX-WS 2.0 spec related to handlers
and MTOM.

It seems that, within a request handler, the handler interfaces give you
access to the XML infoset representation of a SOAP request message PRIOR
to the JAXB unmarshalling of the message into a Java content tree (i.e.,
instances of JAXB-annotated program elements). So, via the SAAJ API,
you can read/write the SOAP message's XML infoset.

But, has the MTOM processing occured at this point? That is, does the
XML infoset representation that you access from within a request handler
include the "unpackaged" binary attachments as xs:base64Binary elements?
  Or does the infoset still have the XOP references of the form
<xop:Include ... href='cid:http:// ...'/>?