JAX-WS RI team is happy to announce the release of JAX-WS RI 2.1.3 [1].
This release has some interesting new features and lots of bug fixes.
The features in this release are:
* Authentication support in wsimport
* Additional header support
* Large and Streaming attachment support
* XML Schema validation support for SOAP message
* Expose the -Xnocompile as an Ant task option
* Additional WSDL object methods for policy
* Wsimport should be able to handle redirects and see Others
* Remove SJSXP and SAAJ RI dependency
* Wsimport should write to passed OutputStream
* Efficient Handler using Handler<Message> support
JAX-WS RI 2.1.3 is integrated in to Metro 1.1[2] along with WSIT[3]. For
complete change log see[4].
Metro 1.1 and JAX-WS RI 2.1.3 are tested to work on Glassfish v2 UR1[5].
Although Metro 1.1 and JAX-WS RI 2.1.3 are not integrated with Glassfish
v2 UR1, but you can easily install them on Glassfish v2 UR1. See the
release notes for instructions.
There is also JAX-WS RI[6] release which is a restricted bug fix
release for Glassfish v2 UR1 and Metro 1.0.1. See the change log[7],
there are couple of bug fixes in it since JAX-WS RI 2.1.2 release.
Continue sending your feedbacks to our forum[6] or to
users_at_metro.dev.java.net and report any JAX-WS RI issues to the Issue