AW: JAX-WS + Spring Integration: retreive WS implementation from spring context??

From: Roman Cerny <>
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 15:10:00 +0100

Hi again,

i already found out, that there seems to be a spring integration for Jax-WS:

but i still can't get this running...

here is my situation:

i have several spring bean definition xml config files in my classpath
(/src/main/resources/spring/...) and also one where all my beans are
imported and aggregated into one bean definition file (called

my webservice implementing class is also defined as a spring bean, and gets
all necessary members set via the spring context wiring.
(As mentioned below, when using the
"org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener" my spring context is
created correctly, and all beans are set.)

i found this example:

and found out that there seems to be a way to bind a service to a bean, but
since i don't won't to copy all my bean definitions
into the "applicationContext.xml", i would like to tell JAX-WS to load all
necessary beans from the spring context.


some other questions are:

- do i need to use
instead of

- which one is the correct xsd schema?

i found this in the mentioned example:

<beans xmlns=""
                 " >

but my eclipse always complains that there are errors in the "core.xsd" and

- when do i need to add the following <dependency> to my pom.xml?

- what does this @SOAPBinding(style=Style.RPC, use=Use.LITERAL) i found
in the example?

maybe there is someone who uses JAX-WS with spring beans and would post the
web.xml, applicationContext.xml, sun-jaxws.xml?


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Roman Cerny []
Gesendet: Freitag, 30. November 2007 13:59
An: ''
Betreff: JAX-WS + Spring Integration: retreive WS implementation from spring


i currently try to get my spring application, running as a webservice.

i use the following config in my 'web.xml' to create the spring context (and
instantiate several spring beans):

  <!-- spring context generation -->


  <!-- web services -->
  <description>Web Services</description>
  <display-name>Web Services</display-name>

    <description>My Web Service</description>
    <display-name>My Web Service</display-name>

additionally i have defined my endpoint in the 'sun-jaxws.xml':

    url-pattern="/ws" />

on startup the spring context is created correctly, but afterwards the WS is
instantiated again (due to the endpoint definition), and all my
members/beans (that are usually set by the spring framework) are null, which
leads to NullPointerExceptions in my methods.

i wonder how to tell the WSServletContextListener to use the spring defined
WS bean as implementation for the endpoint, instead of re-instantiating it.

thx 4 any advise