Hi dev and users,
I'm tring to create a simple web services using JAXWS.
I hope the service can access a few spring managed beans, hence, I come
jaxws-spring. However, after I tried to add jaxws-spring 1.4 into our
project pom (yes, maven2).
I found that jaxws-ri-2.1 are pulled along side with other deps.
Does jaxws-spring work with jaxws-ri 2.0?
Currently, our project use SJSAS PE9, it looks like, it have bundled with
jaxws ri 2.0 already.
If, I can use jaxws-spring in the SJSAS environment, what's the minmum jar I
should put in the WEB-INF/lib?
And we are used to exclude any JEE api or AS providied jar in the
I am new to webservice, sorry for the silly question!!
Best regards,