Glad to see something happening here, too.
Please note, the Cloudbees Free Trial has a rather strict timeout, 14 days
when I last checked. So for JSRs that are either Final or have rather low
commit cycles (as many EE JSRs did until now) it can be problematic. The
Jenkins instance becomes inactive. Builds are shown as "failed" from thjat
on until it's manually reactivated.
For that I would recommend either Travis-CI or CircleCI, both work well
with several other JSRs and (especially Travis) a huge number of projects
in general. They do not impose any commit timeouts even to free accounts as
of now.
If either Oracle or somebody else has special deals with CloudBees, then
for a corporate account this problem may not occur, e.g. JBoss or Apache
have their own Jenkins instance, but it's licensed or donated to them and
not a free trial.
On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 11:15 AM, <>
> Table of contents:
> 1. [jax-rs-spec users] Re: Early draft 2.1 API for Central - Sergey
> Beryozkin <>
> 2. [jax-rs-spec users] Re: Early draft 2.1 API for Central - Sergey
> Beryozkin <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Sergey Beryozkin <>
> To: <>
> Cc:
> Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2016 16:02:40 +0100
> Subject: [jax-rs-spec users] Re: Early draft 2.1 API for Central
> Hi Marek
> I'm still positive you will do a 1st early draft API release shortly. It
> was good to see you agreeing to look into it, and I
> felt quite enthusiastic you'd do it - but was I too naive ?
> Or should I revisit the idea of releasing the 1st API myself ? As I said I
> have a write access to a git repo containing the
> current snapshot and I think I should be allowed to do it.
> By the way, I'm not sure a Jenkins/Travis/etc are really needed for an
> initial Maven release ?
> Sergey
> On 05/09/16 12:45, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
> Hi Marek
> Hope you've had a chance to look into a possible 1st 2.1 API release to
> Central. Or will have it soon enough :-)
> Cheers, Sergey
> On 18/08/16 09:30, Marek Potociar wrote:
> We have been using OSS CloudBees account for Jersey already but I am not
> too impressed.
> Marek
> On 16 Aug 2016, at 15:48, Sergey Beryozkin <> wrote:
> Hi Marek
> Not sure if it helps (or new to you), but the recommendation that I also
> hear from others is to consider
> engaging with Cloudbees, perhaps starting with a Free Trial at
> and continue from there - who knows what may happen at the end of the free
> trial :-).
> Sorry can't suggest anything more specific at this stage, so
> you might want continue with the existing infra for a time being :-).
> Cheers, Sergey
> On 16/08/16 13:28, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
> Hi Marek
> let me ask around :-)
> Cheers, Sergey
> On 16/08/16 12:37, Marek Potociar wrote:
> If you can get us a stable and free of charge public Jenkins compute where
> we could setup and run automated JAX-RS build jobs, that would be great.
> Otherwise I will continue using our Oracle internal infrastructure for
> these builds and there is no way you could help there unless you switch
> sides :)
> Marek
> On 16 Aug 2016, at 12:15, Sergey Beryozkin <> wrote:
> Hi Marek
> Sounds good, thanks, let me know please if you'd like me to help somehow
> Cheers, Sergey
> On 16/08/16 09:31, Marek Potociar wrote:
> Hi Sergey,
> I understand your concern, I will try to spend some time on setting up
> automated release job sometime next week.
> Cheers,
> Marek
> On 15 Aug 2016, at 17:50, Sergey Beryozkin <> wrote:
> Hi Marek
> Yes, but it was a 2.1-SNAPSHOT in
> (;
> CXF master-jaxrs21 branch depends on it, it helped, but we can not start
> merging master-jaxrs21 branch
> into CXF master until a non-SNAPSHOT API release is available. The concern
> is that if we do it
> then we can block the master release due to a SNAPSHOT dependency.
> We understand that if such a release were made then it would not represent
> the final API.
> Cheers, Sergey
> On 15/08/16 16:18, Marek Potociar wrote:
> Hi Sergey,
> We did release some preliminary bits earlier based on your request, didn’t
> we? I would prefer waiting with more releases until we have some new
> content to justify the effort.
> Marek
> On 15 Aug 2016, at 14:19, Sergey Beryozkin <> wrote:
> Hi Marek
> Seeing you replying in other threads makes me feel JAX-RS 2.1 has a very
> bright future :-)
> So what do you think about cutting out the current early draft release for
> it to make it to Central ?
> As I said, at this stage it would not be about meeting certain spec
> deadlines but rather supporting
> the implementation projects to do the early adoption and releases. Not
> only for CXF.
> By the way I should have a write access to a JAX-RS git repo. So if it can
> help I can do the release
> (I'd only need some guidance on how to reflect the early draft status in
> the artifact name, ex, 2.1-early-draft-m1, etc).
> Think about it please if it can work.
> Thanks, Sergey
> On 26/07/16 13:33, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
> Hi Marek, Santiago
> Hope you are doing well.
> We'd like in CXF to start merging our JAX-RS 2.1 branch to the main CXF
> 3.2.0-SNAPSHOT.
> My colleague had implemented SSE (server only so far) but it is a start
> and interesting, today, we've had a user
> asking for this SSE code.
> For us to merge the branch code to the CXF master an early draft
> non-SNAPSHOT 2.1 API would need to be available
> in Central. This is so that we can release CXF 3.2.0 eventually, knowing
> that we do not have SNAPSHOT deps.
> It will also help us to go ahead and implement the NIO experiment and
> CompletableFuture client code directly on the master.
> Marek, can you please support it and do the very first API release ? (add
> some qualifier like early_draft, etc, to make it obvious that
> it is far from being complete) ?
> a demand for JAX-RS is still very strong. If CXF manages to ship an early
> draft implementation, alongside with RI, it would be easier for
> the community at large to continue working toward 2.1 being eventually
> completed. Depending on how things go I might consider submitting
> a talk to JaveOne to raise the awareness of JAX-RS being implemented in
> ASF.
> Many thanks, Sergey
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Sergey Beryozkin <>
> To: <>
> Cc:
> Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2016 09:51:42 +0100
> Subject: [jax-rs-spec users] Re: Early draft 2.1 API for Central
> In case it can help: Jersey's lead in providing a material for this 2.1
> early draft API will be of course publicly acknowledged
> Sergey
> On 12/09/16 16:02, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
> Hi Marek
> I'm still positive you will do a 1st early draft API release shortly. It
> was good to see you agreeing to look into it, and I
> felt quite enthusiastic you'd do it - but was I too naive ?
> Or should I revisit the idea of releasing the 1st API myself ? As I said I
> have a write access to a git repo containing the
> current snapshot and I think I should be allowed to do it.
> By the way, I'm not sure a Jenkins/Travis/etc are really needed for an
> initial Maven release ?
> Sergey
> On 05/09/16 12:45, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
> Hi Marek
> Hope you've had a chance to look into a possible 1st 2.1 API release to
> Central. Or will have it soon enough :-)
> Cheers, Sergey
> On 18/08/16 09:30, Marek Potociar wrote:
> We have been using OSS CloudBees account for Jersey already but I am not
> too impressed.
> Marek
> On 16 Aug 2016, at 15:48, Sergey Beryozkin <> wrote:
> Hi Marek
> Not sure if it helps (or new to you), but the recommendation that I also
> hear from others is to consider
> engaging with Cloudbees, perhaps starting with a Free Trial at
> and continue from there - who knows what may happen at the end of the free
> trial :-).
> Sorry can't suggest anything more specific at this stage, so
> you might want continue with the existing infra for a time being :-).
> Cheers, Sergey
> On 16/08/16 13:28, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
> Hi Marek
> let me ask around :-)
> Cheers, Sergey
> On 16/08/16 12:37, Marek Potociar wrote:
> If you can get us a stable and free of charge public Jenkins compute where
> we could setup and run automated JAX-RS build jobs, that would be great.
> Otherwise I will continue using our Oracle internal infrastructure for
> these builds and there is no way you could help there unless you switch
> sides :)
> Marek
> On 16 Aug 2016, at 12:15, Sergey Beryozkin <> wrote:
> Hi Marek
> Sounds good, thanks, let me know please if you'd like me to help somehow
> Cheers, Sergey
> On 16/08/16 09:31, Marek Potociar wrote:
> Hi Sergey,
> I understand your concern, I will try to spend some time on setting up
> automated release job sometime next week.
> Cheers,
> Marek
> On 15 Aug 2016, at 17:50, Sergey Beryozkin <> wrote:
> Hi Marek
> Yes, but it was a 2.1-SNAPSHOT in
> (;
> CXF master-jaxrs21 branch depends on it, it helped, but we can not start
> merging master-jaxrs21 branch
> into CXF master until a non-SNAPSHOT API release is available. The concern
> is that if we do it
> then we can block the master release due to a SNAPSHOT dependency.
> We understand that if such a release were made then it would not represent
> the final API.
> Cheers, Sergey
> On 15/08/16 16:18, Marek Potociar wrote:
> Hi Sergey,
> We did release some preliminary bits earlier based on your request, didn’t
> we? I would prefer waiting with more releases until we have some new
> content to justify the effort.
> Marek
> On 15 Aug 2016, at 14:19, Sergey Beryozkin <> wrote:
> Hi Marek
> Seeing you replying in other threads makes me feel JAX-RS 2.1 has a very
> bright future :-)
> So what do you think about cutting out the current early draft release for
> it to make it to Central ?
> As I said, at this stage it would not be about meeting certain spec
> deadlines but rather supporting
> the implementation projects to do the early adoption and releases. Not
> only for CXF.
> By the way I should have a write access to a JAX-RS git repo. So if it can
> help I can do the release
> (I'd only need some guidance on how to reflect the early draft status in
> the artifact name, ex, 2.1-early-draft-m1, etc).
> Think about it please if it can work.
> Thanks, Sergey
> On 26/07/16 13:33, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
> Hi Marek, Santiago
> Hope you are doing well.
> We'd like in CXF to start merging our JAX-RS 2.1 branch to the main CXF
> 3.2.0-SNAPSHOT.
> My colleague had implemented SSE (server only so far) but it is a start
> and interesting, today, we've had a user
> asking for this SSE code.
> For us to merge the branch code to the CXF master an early draft
> non-SNAPSHOT 2.1 API would need to be available
> in Central. This is so that we can release CXF 3.2.0 eventually, knowing
> that we do not have SNAPSHOT deps.
> It will also help us to go ahead and implement the NIO experiment and
> CompletableFuture client code directly on the master.
> Marek, can you please support it and do the very first API release ? (add
> some qualifier like early_draft, etc, to make it obvious that
> it is far from being complete) ?
> a demand for JAX-RS is still very strong. If CXF manages to ship an early
> draft implementation, alongside with RI, it would be easier for
> the community at large to continue working toward 2.1 being eventually
> completed. Depending on how things go I might consider submitting
> a talk to JaveOne to raise the awareness of JAX-RS being implemented in
> ASF.
> Many thanks, Sergey
> End of digest for list - Tue, 13 Sep 2016