[jax-rs-spec users] Re: client proxy framework

From: Bill Burke <>
Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2016 11:00:07 -0400

Lol. :)

On 4/6/2016 9:18 AM, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
> Reading your emails is one of the reasons I'm in this group :-), what
> would I do without you posting :-) ?
> On 06/04/16 14:06, Bill Burke wrote:
>> Ping. Again, this would be good feature to add IMO. Its simple to
>> implement and would be used by a lot of developers. I need to know
>> soon if this is something the spec leads are interested in. I'm about
>> to renounce my JAX-RS EG membership and hand it off to somebody else
>> at Red Hat as I'm really busy with other things. If there is interest
>> in this proposal, I'll stick around to write it up.
>> On 2/28/2016 6:13 PM, Bill Burke wrote:
>>> This is not a feature I came up with 1 week ago on a whim. Its a
>>> proven feature that has been around for 5+ years in Resteasy and is
>>> wildly popular. A number of other projects I'm involved with use it
>>> to publish their REST interface as its something users have demanded.
>>> I'd be happy to write it up, but I need to know soon as my schedule
>>> is really busy in 2016. IMO, it would probably be the most popular
>>> feature of 2.1 if it was added. Even non-Resteasy users would be
>>> familiar with it as its already documented in both revisions of my
>>> JAX-RS RESTFul Java O'Reilly books which have also been around for
>>> 5+ years. :)
>>> Again, it would be something like this:
>>> interface MyRestClient {
>>> @GET
>>> @Product("application/json")
>>> @Path("{name}")
>>> Customer get(@QueryParam("name") name);
>>> }
>>> Client client = ...;
>>> MyRestClient proxy =
>>> Customer cust = proxy.get("Bill Burke");

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat