[jax-rs-spec users] Re: Proposed Plan

From: Santiago Pericasgeertsen <>
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2015 08:52:53 -0400

> On Oct 6, 2015, at 5:22 AM, Werner Keil <> wrote:
> Sounds like a good idea.
> Note, as the JSR was accepted for creation
> 22 Sep, 2014
> it's already among those facing Renewal Ballot pretty soon.
> And JSR 350 showed, even Oracle as a Spec Lead is not immune to failing such a ballot (though it was a repeated one there)
> Helping Marek to prioritize features and get an EDR out soon enough should help him give the EC convincing arguments why it needs more time.

 We are already initiating talks with the JCP about the renewal ballot. We hope presenting this plan we’ll help us get the approvals we need.

 Thanks for the feedback.

— Santiago

> On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 11:15 AM, < <>> wrote:
> Table of contents:
> 1. [jax-rs-spec users] Proposed Plan - Santiago Pericasgeertsen < <>>
> 2. [jax-rs-spec users] Re: Proposed Plan - Sergey Beryozkin < <>>
> 3. [jax-rs-spec users] Nested BeanParams - Sergey Beryozkin < <>>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Santiago Pericasgeertsen < <>>
> To: <>
> Cc:
> Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2015 09:31:17 -0400
> Subject: [jax-rs-spec users] Proposed Plan
> Dear Experts,
> After a discussion with Marek, and mainly due to the slowness of the JSR thus far, I’d like to propose that we prioritize on what we consider the main features of the 2.1 release (in hindsight, we may have included too many features for a dot release!):
> (1) Reactive API
> (2) Non-blocking I/O
> (3) SSE
> (4) Alignment with MVC and JSON-B
> We feel that if we focus on these features, we should be able to produce an EDR before the end of the calendar year, and possibly deliver a complete spec within 9 months; alignment with the other specs will naturally depend on their schedule. Features not on this list would be considered for a future version of JAX-RS, either 2.2 or a 3.0.
> It is time that we show some progress to the community and the JCP, and we feel this more focused plan will get us there. We hope you will support us. We have actually done some work over the last weeks around Reactive and NIO that we plan share shortly.
> — Santiago & Marek
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Sergey Beryozkin < <>>
> To: < <>>
> Cc:
> Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2015 16:24:15 +0100
> Subject: [jax-rs-spec users] Re: Proposed Plan
> Hi
> On 05/10/15 14:31, Santiago Pericasgeertsen wrote:
>> Dear Experts,
>> After a discussion with Marek, and mainly due to the slowness of the JSR thus far, I’d like to propose that we prioritize on what we consider the main features of the 2.1 release (in hindsight, we may have included too many features for a dot release!):
>> (1) Reactive API
>> (2) Non-blocking I/O
>> (3) SSE
>> (4) Alignment with MVC and JSON-B
>> We feel that if we focus on these features, we should be able to produce an EDR before the end of the calendar year, and possibly deliver a complete spec within 9 months; alignment with the other specs will naturally depend on their schedule. Features not on this list would be considered for a future version of JAX-RS, either 2.2 or a 3.0.
>> It is time that we show some progress to the community
> +1.
>> and the JCP, and we feel this more focused plan will get us there. We hope you will support us. We have actually done some work over the last weeks around Reactive and NIO that we plan share shortly.
> Sounds good,
> Cheers, Sergey
>> — Santiago & Marek
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Sergey Beryozkin < <>>
> To: < <>>
> Cc:
> Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2015 17:54:45 +0100
> Subject: [jax-rs-spec users] Nested BeanParams
> Hi
> We have an issue reported related to the fact that no nested BeanParams are supported in CXF,
> where a top level @BeanParam POJO has one of its methods/properties also annotated with @BeanParam, example:
> public class A {
> @Context HttpHeaders headers;
> @BeanParam B b;
> }
> public class B {
> @QueryParam String someQueryParam;
> }
> @GET
> public Response get(@BeanParam A a);
> Marek, can you please confirm it is supposed to work ?
> BeanParam docs can indeed be read such that nested BeanParams are expected to work, though it seems a bit too complex.
> The user has confirmed it works in Jersey - but is it RI specific or very much spec compliant ?
> Thanks, Sergey
> End of digest for list <> - Tue, 06 Oct 2015