[jax-rs-spec users] [jsr339-experts] Re: Error responses with entities and the media types

From: Sergey Beryozkin <>
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2013 14:53:05 +0000

On 13/03/13 14:37, Marek Potociar wrote:
> Hi Sergey,
> We're talking about core, "low level" API being used here. Let's not try to prevent potential failures by making spec too complex without any practical gain on the user end.
sure; I guess this might be open for another review further down the
line if needed


> Marek
> On Mar 13, 2013, at 3:20 PM, Sergey Beryozkin<> wrote:
>> Hi
>> We've talked about it before, in context of the exception mappers mapping the exceptions to Responses with non empty entities,
>> example, the client Accepts application/xml, the server throws an exception, the mapper maps it to
>> Response.status(400).type("text/plain").entity("Bad response").build().
>> and this is exactly what the client should get back despite expecting only XML.
>> However, consider that either the application code or even the exception mapper does
>> Response.status(200).type("application/json").entity(someEntityBean).build().
>> This is clearly an error that is better be detected by the server runtime, before the client code like "client.get(StreamSource.class)" reports something like "{" is not allowed in XML, etc.
>> Should the spec say that if Response status is>=400 and the entity is not null then this Response media type whatever it is, is used; otherwise, if Response is 200, the entity is not null, then the runtime should treat its media type the same way it treats @Produces ?
>> Sergey