[jax-rs-spec users] [jsr339-experts] Re: Re: Re: Back To DI in Subresources

From: Sergey Beryozkin <>
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 21:47:17 +0100

On 20/04/12 19:34, Marek Potociar wrote:
> On Apr 19, 2012, at 11:01 AM, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
>> On 17/04/12 16:37, Santiago Pericas-Geertsen wrote:
>>> On Apr 17, 2012, at 7:45 AM, Marek Potociar wrote:
>>>> There are 2 solutions that I've been thinking about:
>>>> 1. introduce an injectable request-scoped ResourceContext with
>>>> methods like inject(Class<?> subresourceClass), inject(Object
>>>> subresource)
>>>> 2. update the spec to mandate field injection on the sub-resource
>>>> instances returned by sub-resource locator.
>>>> So far I am leaning towards #1 as it seems more flexible.
>>>> Any thoughts on the above?
>>> Why not both? As you say, (1) is more flexible but (2) is quite convenient.
>> I don't understand how the sub-resource injection can work at all.
>> Lets take an example where a root resource is a singleton.
>> This root resource can return sub-resource instances. Such instances can be created at a per-request basis or may've been pre-allocated and are singletons too. Only the root resource knows the rules.
> Again, that's why I am leaning towards #1 as it is more flexible and lets the parent resource decide whether or not the injection should be used and how.
>> How can the runtime make sure that the injection into sub-resources is thread-safe ?
> It should not. It should be the responsibility of the parent resource.

OK. I may've mis-read the original proposal, sorry if I am.

What sort of DI is being discussed here ?
I'm saying that something like

public RootResource {
   private SubResource mySubResource;
   public SubResource getSubResource() {
       return mySubResource;

public SubResource {
   private UriInfo ui;
   @GET @Produces("text/plain")
   public String getTest() {
       return "subresource";

specifically the injection of UriInfo into SubResource is difficult for
the runtime to support because it is not aware of SubResource's lifecycle.
You are saying the injection is the responsibility of the parent
resource (RootResource), so we can expect SubResource have a UriInfo
setter for example. I agree, this is what the spec says now.

So, what DI support is actually being discussed in this thread ?
Can you please type some code ?

Cheers, Sergey
> Marek
>> Thanks, Sergey
>>> -- Santiago
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I would like to re-activate the already mentioned issue of lack of
>>>>> support of DI in sub-resources.
>>>>> Usually you are going to separate JAX-RS resources and services into
>>>>> separate classes. In that case services are going to be injected into
>>>>> resource with @Inject (it works already fine in Java EE 6).
>>>>> However: usually JAX-RS runtime is navigating from the main Resource
>>>>> to the sub-resource class via the @Path annotation.
>>>>> As developer you are creating a sub-resource using an ordinary "new"
>>>>> and a constructor with parameters. The sub-resources instance is no
>>>>> more managed and injection is not available.
>>>>> Proposal: we need a way to pass an instance to a JAX-RS runtime to
>>>>> inject dependencies.
>>>>> Btw. parameterless constructors are not enough - usually you are
>>>>> going to pass some context from the main resource to the sub resources.
>>>>> See also:
>>>>> thanks,
>>>>> adam
>> --
>> Sergey Beryozkin
>> Talend Community Coders
>> Blog:

Sergey Beryozkin
Talend Community Coders