[jax-rs-spec users] [jsr339-experts] Review of new Filter API

From: Bill Burke <>
Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2012 09:14:35 -0400

* There is no getProperties() method in Response
* HttpHeaders should have appropriate Link methods
* I don't see why you need all the helper methods in
ContainerRequestContext as @HttpHeaders, @UriInfo, etc. can all be
injected. Or you could just reference them from within the context.


interface ContainerRequestContext {

    UriInfo getUriInfo();
    SecurityContext getSecurityContext();
    HttpHeaders getHttpHeaders();

* I could give up on my header java.lang.Object value insistence and
ClientRequestContext could re-use HttpHeaders too.

Here's another idea:

- Rename ContainerResponseContext to FilterableContainerResponse
- Have FilterableContainerResponse extend Response and add additional
mutator methods
- Rename ClientResponseContext to FilterableClientResponse'
- Have FilterableClientResponse extend Response and add additional
mutator methods

class FilterableContainerResponse extends Response
     public OutputStream getEntityStream();

     // invoking this method DOES NOT invoke handlers or MBR
     // must not be null
     public void setEntityStream(final OutputStream entityStream);

     // conveniece method for setting new entity
     public <T> void setEntity(
             final Class<T> type,
             final Annotation annotations[],
             final MediaType mediaType,
             final T entity);

     public <T> void setEntity(
             final GenericType<T> genericType,
             final Annotation annotations[],
             final MediaType mediaType,
             final T entity);

     // get the declared entity type (used by MBW)
     public GenericType<?> getDeclaredEntityType();

     // get the entity annotations (used by MBW)
     public Annotation[] getEntityAnnotations();

     ... and any other specific methods to a container response...

public class FilterableClientResponse extends Response {

     public void setStatusCode(int code);

     // mutable response headers map
     public MultivaluedMap<String, String> getHeaders();

     public boolean hasEntity();

     // invoking this method DOES NOT invoke handlers or MBR
     // returns empty stream if no entity
     public InputStream getEntityStream();

     // invoking this method DOES NOT invoke handlers or MBW
     // must not be null
     public void setEntityStream(final InputStream entityStream);

     // conveniece method for setting new input stream; DOES invoke
handlers & MBW
     // produced input stream is not buffered by default
     public <T> void writeEntity(
             final Class<T> type,
             final Annotation annotations[],
             final MediaType mediaType,
             final T entity);

     public <T> void writeEntity(
             final GenericType<T> genericType,
             final Annotation annotations[],
             final MediaType mediaType,
             final T entity);

     ... and any other specific methods to a client response...

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat